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Things to Do After Installing SysLinuxOS 12

Things to Do After Installing SysLinuxOS 12

Things to Do After Installing SysLinuxOS 12

A few important things to do after installing SysLinuxOS 12. If you use SysLinuxOS 12 on your laptops or desktops, there are a few steps you might want to do after installing SysLinuxOS.

If Calamares fails try to install by connecting the power supply. I’ve noticed this can happen with some laptops.
1) Connect your PC to the Internet and then mandatory

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
sudo reboot

Now your network cards will be eth0, wlan0. If not, run the script manually:

sudo /opt/scripts/
sudo reboot

2) Conky

Mate is optimized for 1920×1080 resolution.

With Conky enabled on Mate Desktop you can use the portion of the desktop on the left, otherwise if you want temporarily disable conky

killall conky

permanently on Mate:

go to System-Preferences-Personal-Startup Applications and uncheck “start_conky.desktop” and reboot.
Auzia conky is located in /opt/auzia-conky/ and as default network card it uses wlan0, to switch to eth0, edit the settings.lua file. The second conky is in the standard path /etc/conky/conky.conf.

permanently on Gnome:

go to Accessories-Stacer-Startup Apps and disable/delete it
Application-Utilities-Tweaks-Startup Applications


I’ve read about some problems with the 6.3.8 kernel, with the nvidia drivers, I recommend for those who use them or for those with other problems (virtualbox) to downgrade, and use the kernel from the repositories

sudo apt install linux-image-6.1.0-9-amd64 linux-headers-6.1.0-9-amd64

Kernel 6.3.8 removed in SysLinuOS 12.1, now kernel 6.4 from backports repo.
3) Calamares installer
If Calamares installation fails, plug in the laptop’s power adapter.
The page is constantly updated.
enjoy 😉

11 commenti su “Things to Do After Installing SysLinuxOS 12”

  1. Hi, just to let you know, after install and updating system, a box pops up with the message: “The password on your computer does not match the password on your keyring.” This box over rides everything and system becomes frozen. The only solution is to reboot, where upon the same msg pops up again.

  2. You should have an English page as well as a italian page so users don’t get confused what they are downloading ,there is no mention for this operating system can be used for every day use like a home version like ParrotOS, Which has no bugs in it….Gmail does not work on SyslinuxOS Mate or Gnome therefore I would not recommend putting it on the Hard drive,it runs like Kidochi… problem on only USB…..Stick to Linux Mint….it works…..This OS is not ready and I think the creator just wants exposure and be popular….I don’t see that happening,Nice name SysLinuxOS….Just wish it did work right out the box,cause a lot of Apps don’t work…..

  3. First, I don’t need popularity and advertising; I’ve been in this world for 22 years, and I’ve never placed any advertisements on my blog. My personal blog and SysLinuxOS are the result of my passion for Debian GNU/Linux and my work. I use SysLinuxOS as my daily desktop, and I’ve never had any issues. Certainly, there is room for improvement and there will be some bugs, but I will do my best to resolve them once I become aware of the problem. If it works from a USB, it should also work on a hard disk. In this job, it’s just me, and behind me, it’s always just me.

  4. Salve, spero tu capisca l’Italiano, io capirò anche la risposta in Inglese.
    Ho provato la Gnome, ho installato la MATE e spero in una Xface che è il desk che più mi piace.
    Grazie e complimenti per il tuo lavoro, giuseppe

  5. Pingback: SysLinuxOS 12.2 released - SysLinuxOS

  6. Pingback: SysLinuxOS 12.3 released - SysLinuxOS

  7. Pingback: SysLinuxOS 12.4 released - SysLinuxOS

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