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Installing Zabbix on SysLinuxOS and Debian 11

Installing Zabbix on SysLinuxOS and Debian 11
Installing Zabbix on SysLinuxOS and Debian 11

Zabbix is an open-source network and server monitoring system that allows you to keep track of the availability, performance, and status of network devices, servers, and applications. Zabbix is capable of collecting data from various types of devices, such as servers, switches, routers, firewalls, sensors, and applications, and analyzing them to identify any problems or anomalies. Additionally, it allows you to define alarm thresholds and notify system administrators of any issues through various channels, such as email, SMS, instant messaging, etc. Zabbix is highly flexible and customizable, thanks to its modular architecture and support for numerous extensions and plugins. Moreover, it offers a wide range of advanced features, such as graphical data visualization, report generation, management of distributed agents, event tracking, configuration management, etc. Zabbix is a reliable and scalable solution that can meet the monitoring needs of any type of infrastructure, from small to large enterprises.

Here are the steps to install Zabbix on SysLinuxOS and Debian 11 with MariaDB and Apache2:

Step 1 – Update the system:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

Step 2 – Download Zabbix version from the website:

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i zabbix-release_6.2-4+debian11_all.deb
$ sudo apt update

Install necessary packages:

$ sudo apt install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-agent

Step 3 – Install Mariadb and Apache2:

sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client

Configure the MariaDB database:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Follow the instructions to configure the MariaDB server. Create a new user and a new database:

sudo mysql -u root -p

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON zabbixdb.* TO 'zabbixuser'@'localhost';

Step 4 – Configure the Zabbix server:

sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

Verify and update the following parameters:


Save and close the file.

Import the database schema:

sudo zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql/create.sql.gz | sudo mysql -u zabbixuser -p zabbixdb

Enter the password created above.

Step 5 – Configure Apache2:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/zabbix.conf

Optionally modify the following lines:

php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value memory_limit 512M
php_value post_max_size 32M
php_value upload_max_filesize 256M
php_value max_input_time 300
php_value date.timezone Europe/Rome

Activate the Apache2 module:

sudo a2enconf zabbix.conf

Restart Apache2 and Zabbix server:

sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo systemctl restart zabbix-server
sudo systemctl enable zabbix-server zabbix-agent apache2

Step 6 – Access Zabbix web page:


Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Installing Zabbix on SysLinuxOS and Debian 11

enjoy 😉

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